Thursday, September 27, 2007

10 years...

Today is my 10th Wedding Anniversary.
SM and I have been kind of thinking back this week.. "10 years ago today we were:"
Why does that seem so long ago?
I think becoming a parent ages you in ways you don't expect. I don't feel "old", but seeing my babies grow up SO quickly has a strange affect on the way I see things. Certain situations have alot more meaning than they used to. Flying alone, for example, all I can do is think about how said it would be not to be able to watch my children continue to grow. Good grief, 10 years ago I was just excited to get where I was going.
I'm leaving early today, gonna go on a mini-getaway to celebrate, but I'll leave you with this statement that a co-worker left me with the other day that made me PAINFULLY aware of my age.
The freshmen entering college this year were born in 1989.
until next time....
happy anniversary babe

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